Friday, November 28, 2008

Come work with us!

As we've said before, we're looking for modders.

We do not exclude the possibility of teaming up with other mod teams or merging with existing (smaller) ones.

Anyway, here's what we need:
(for all positions sample work is mandatory)

3D car modeler - Must work with 3D Max (preferred) or Zmodeler. Must be able to model interiors (and possibly engine & car internals)
3D track/architecture modeler - Must work with 3D Max and/or BTB. Must be able to create accurate trackside objects (ie. buildings, etc)
Graphics - You will mostly create skins for various mods. Ability to creat icons and /or textures is favoured.
Sound engineer - Ability to manipulate car sounds.
Physics engineer - Must work with realfeel plugin, you will work with another physics engineer.
Web designer - Good Html and PHP knowledge.

Please contact us throught:

We will reply to all emails.

The DAMT Blog

Good Afternoon Simracers!
You're probably asking "What ever happened to their website?"

Well, it seems Godaddy messed up our domain name and now neither us or them can modify its DNS! We were going to move the hosting elsewhere because it was too expensive and unjustified...
Anyway, until those problems are properly addressed, we decided to create this blog.
Here you'll find all the info you need on our upcoming mods and future projects.

Regarding our main mod, the Formula Renault, you'll be happy to know that its not dead and its close to the final beta stage :)

Also, we're looking for modders to fill up our ranks. Either as "fulll time" or as occasional helpers. See the next post for more info!